Friday, January 15, 2016

Offended, a Facebook Tip

I shared this on Facebook one day, mostly because of this one person on my Friends list who didn't post much unless she was offended by something. That or she posted things trying to correct everyone else's behavior. I finally posted something factual about one of her gods. Within a day she unfriended me. :) It was inevitable. She almost never Liked my shares, not even the funniest ones. I'm amazed she lasted as long as she did. Her husband unfriended me a while back out of the blue.

There's a better way to handle it. I see stuff on Facebook that "offends" me all the time. If someone constantly posts things that are vulgar, I turn off notifications from them. For example, this one guy kept sharing anti-Obama things. A lot. No, really. A lot. One day he shared between 20 and 30 anti-Obama posts on top of his other posts. I don't care for Obama either, but so much of it was hate instead of facts. I can live with facts. I'm tired of the hate. I changed my settings so I'd only see important posts by him. Problem solved.

My number one tip for getting rid of things I don't want to see on Facebook is to hide them. In the top right corner of every Facebook post is a little down arrow. Clicking it brings up a menu. The top choice is "Hide post". Bam. It's gone. Boring things. Long things. Offensive things. Useless clutter. Things I'm simply not interested in like somebody's hobby. Songs I don't like. Videos I don't watch. "Share if you agree" garbage. It gets rid of it all of that and more.

It's not a perfect solution. The perfect solution is quitting Facebook. But in the meantime, it works okay. It lets me hang out with and get along with a wide variety of people without having to approve, Like, enjoy, validate or condone every single post by every single person.

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